People Education & Social Empowerment Centre [PESEC], with its Motto, “Towards the Excellence of the Masses,” is a Centre aimed at taking education right into the hearts and hearth of the people through satellite programs for people education and social empowerment. PESEC seeks a two-fold focus: An Internal Focus with which it serves the Claretine population, both staff and the students, and an External Outreach Focus with which it serves the population outside college – teachers, students, officers, youth, adults, etc. – through various conscientization and skills training programs. PESEC was founded in 2003. Over the years PESEC has conducted a variety of outreach programs. The list given below is indicative and not exhaustive:

  • DanyiRiila: An Inter-School Cultural Extravaganza
  • State-Level Essay Competitions
  • Training Programs for School Teachers (Elementary/Secondary/Higher Secondary Levels)
  • Faculty Enrichment Programs for College Lecturers
  • Competency Enhancement Program for Youth
  • Crisis Intervention for Children: Parental skills for understanding and preventing suicide
  • Radio Talks and Discussions