Title of the document

Besides the faculty mentoring system, SCCZ also provides for a Counseling Cell staffed with a professional counselor who is available for students from Tuesday to Friday. The Counseling Cell provides for the holistic development of the personality of a Claretine. It helps a student to address and resolve their personal, emotional, relational, and academic difficulties. The Cell also focuses on students who do not perform well in their examinations and tend towards absenteeism in class. Claretines are encouraged to make use of the services of the Counselor for their holistic development and emotional wellbeing.


To establish a comprehensive structure of counselling that would reach the college population through various levels of services to address psychological needs and help towards holistic personal development and optimal academic performance.


  • To promote the holistic development of Claretines’ personality
  • To help students address and resolve personal, emotional, relational, and academic difficulties by teaching skills and techniques to cope with the challenges of life towards achieving life goals.
  • To address students’ developmental gaps & accompany them towards optimal academic performance.
  • To train teachers and students in the basic skills of counselling and enable them as agents to promote mental health & emotional wellbeing in the milieu.
  • To extend counselling services to the community and other agencies.
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